Stephen Page



United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
The Vintage Racing League is the leading online community for people who love racing and cars. Its free to join.
Members connect with people that share a love of specific marques or types of cars (e.g. Vintage, Historic, Classic, Antique,Formula Ford, Can-Am, Trans-Am, GT and/or Historic Formula One cars).
The VRL helps members find difficult to locate parts, restoration resources, race events and car clubs in your area.
You can exchange pictures and race videos and find "same car soulmates".
I look forward to seeing some of your vintage race video's.
FYI - I'm the co-founder of The Vintage Racing League.
I owned and raced a 1975 Crossle Formula Ford. I currently own and race a 1980 March Formula Atlantic and intend to rebuild and race a 1977 Shadow DN8 F1 car.
I race with CVAR in the Southwest.
I live in Dallas.
VRL Factoids:
An estimated 4 million people in the USA own Vintage, Historic, Classic and Antique cars (10 million world-wide).
The USA is home to 79 million Baby Boomers. Every day, 50,000 retire.
There are 27 Vintage Race Clubs in the US that stage an estimated 170 events per year.
Today, approximately 30,000 members in the 27 Clubs race Vintage cars.
We want to get more people into Vintage racing and a primary purpose of this site is dedicated to that goal.
Even if people do not race, they are welcome to attend events and learn more about the compelling nature of motorsports and it's history..

We created a place where owners and lovers of vintage, historic, classic and antique cars could find each other, exchange pictures, videos and information about how to fix, restore, and race cars.
Ask your friends to join the Vintage Racing League @
Feel free to create new groups, post pictures for us all to share and share the site with your friends.
Welcome to the Vintage Racing League.
Warmest regards - Stephen Page
Chairman & CEO
What car(s) do you own?
1977 Shadow F1 DN8 (in restoration), 1980 March Formula Atlantic, my first car - a 1954 Jensen Interceptor, 1981 Kougar Sports Car, MB ML 500, MB 500S. Previously owned and raced a 1975 Crossle Formula Ford.
What do you like to do (e.g. vintage race with...)?
Race with CVAR in the Southwest.
Attend as many Vintage, Historic and Concours events as possible each year, to include the Monterey Historics, the Pebble Beach Concours d'Elegance and the Goodwood Revival.
What clubs do you belong to?
The VRL -
What would you like to do (e.g. go to race school; get into Vintage Racing)?
Improve my Vintage and Historic racing skills. Share the unique history, passion and excitement of vintage/historic racing via the VRL and expose as many people as possible to the sport.

Comment Wall:

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  • Squizzy

    Thanks for the warm welcome.
  • David Reid

    I am shortly heading of to South Africa for the final rounds of the Formula Junior Golden Jubilee World Series and my T59, along with 10 other Aussie cars, is being unloaded in Durban as we speak. I will spend some time on this when I get back in March. Cheers!
  • mark wood

    Thanks for the invite & comments.
    cheers, Mark
  • Ricky del Rosario

    Thanks for the welcome Stephen.

    The photo for the Vee group is quite grainy. Low res I guess.
    Can I supply you with a different photo with more res?

    Just tell me what e-mail address to send it to.
  • Simon Green

    Thanx, since that was taken i have painted the car all green, i was getting tired of the white.
  • Sue Sheridan

    Thanks Stephen, got the comments now.

    Sue x
  • Michael Coates

    Thanks for the welcome. I'll do my best to get up to speed, but I'm not as engaged in the sport as some folks.
  • Bob Peate

    Hi Stephen,

    Great to hear from you. I look forward to some entertaining information and meeting new friends.

  • John Belfry

    Hi Stephen unfortunatly I do not have race car although I would love one. I live in Northern Ontario Canada, My wife gave me racing lessons last summer so we went to Pocano International Racway. It was a bit of a drive there but well worth the expirence
  • Alex Forgues

    tnks stephen ! Im not very good on english, sometime you can have some trouble to read me so i do the best of my knowledge!
  • Jack Welch

    Thanks for your comments on my photos, I am enjoying the site.
  • Todd McCandless

    Hi Stephen,

    Thanks for the note. This is a great site and looks to be a terrific community of real petrol-heads. Can there be any better group than that? :)
  • Todd McCandless

    That's very kind of you indeed. I am just getting my feet wet here and would like to look around. We would be elated to have a group for F1B. Perhaps you could email me a few details about your site like traffic figures etc. so we could understand more about the site and what kind of user lives here. I would hate to be a bore to anyone. ;) You can reach me at
  • Jamie

    Hi stephen

    Thanks for the welcome. I will take some time looking 'around'.

  • Willy Rosenberg


    I'd love to further personalize the appearance of my Home Page, and join the Ferrari and other favorite car groups. How ???
  • Andy Antipas

    Hi Stephen,

    Great site. Thank you for creating it. I hope to make it to Hallett sometime in the near future.


  • Casey Putsch

    Good show Stephen! So nice to find this site. Thanks for the positive words about my driving career.

    Casey Putsch
  • Alexander Davidis

    Thanks for inviting me and for your comment. This is great and I am working on putting a new group together right away. Thanks for your kind words.
  • Kenny Lombino

    Thanks Stephen, I would put up pictures of my cars if I new how. I'm lucky I was able to sign on to this. Thanks for the welcome.
    Kenny Lombino
  • hank arnold



  • Carl King

    Thanks for the invite Stephen. I'l be sure to update my home page soon.

  • Alexander Davidis

    Thanks for the kind words regarding the GT RACER Story on my page. I wrote this a long time ago and in retrospect am kind of surprised myself to see how accurately we where able to translate the story into the actual show. Let me know what you think once you've see it.
  • aled stephens

    Thanks Stephen. I've already enjoyed looking at the site.
  • Bruce Brandt

    Stepen, Thanks for inviting me to join. I'm glad you are enjoying my web site and I'm curious, how did you find my site? I'm in the process of improving the Marque section so you can more easily find specific cars. I've built a database of cars and chassis numbers linked to their photos so you'll be able to go to a marque page and if you know the car find it by the chassis no and then look at the pics. Anyway keep spreading the word.
  • jeff

    Hi Stephen, Thanks for the invite! I found this site through my dad, He told it was very good...He was right. I'll try to update my site with some pics and vieos soon!
  • Sonny Unverzagt

    Thank you for inviting me to join MyVRL. I think that and MyVRL could work together and it would be a very good fit! Unfortunately, my site is no where near the caliber of yours. I have been meaning to update it though. If you think there is a way we can work together let me know.
  • Stephen Page

    Hey Stephen! I am having a great weekend with her! Found some time in my busy weekend to do work on the website.
  • Alan McDougall

    Thanks so much for your worm welcome. It has been a full week as I have been looking after my grandkids.
    Talk later.
  • Conor O'Brien

    Dear Stephen

    I congratulate you on your most excellent site and i have spent the last couple of days looking at it. It is unique and will ring together like minded car fans fanatics etc all over the world. I will certainly promote it amongst all my racing friends in the UK and Ireland.

    I do have one comment which springs to mind over here in Europe and that is that Vintage means cars built 1918 and 1930.
    * ANTIQUE Pre 1905
    * VETERAN 1905 – 1918
    * VINTAGE 1918 – 1930
    * POST VINTAGE 1931 – 1945
    * CLASSIC 1946 –1984 in year 2009 (at least 25 years ols in accordance with F.I.V.A. Article 1.2 of its Technical Code)

    Do you have the same classification in the USA?

    I do hope we meet at some stage and again I congratulate you on your hard work and achievement with The Vintage Racing League.

    Kind regards

  • Conor O'Brien

    ps. Do do use the term Historic in the USA?

  • wayne

    Hi Stephen
    Thank you for your invite to be able to put my car an fully designed and built Holden from Australia. I noticed that it looks like that I am the only Australian car on your site
    If you would like to have more of these types of cars on your site and want to know more about them go to our web site there you will see plenty of these and all the info on them.
  • Octagon Fox

    Thanks for the compliment. Nice to discover this website. See you online.

    Regards, Jeroen
  • Bruce Hamilton

    Hi Steven,
    Thank you for your invitation to join! I look forward to getting more involved with vintage racing. Looks like their's something for everybody.
    By the way, how does one define "vintage" these days. Is there an understood date or age that a car must be to qualify as "vintage"?

  • Conor O'Brien

    Thanks for that, I am 6 miles from Shannon Airport so next time you come let me know and i will pick you up from the airport.

    I will reply to your last message shortly.

  • Andrew Larson

    I'll try. just contacted my father, who just joined. Also, connected with Sandy Leith. Look forward to meeting you sometime!
  • Doug Mayhew

    Hi Stephen - thanks again for the invite & welcoming comments. I have a friend who owns a Ford RS200 - I bet he would be interested in - I'll send him a link!

    All the best, Doug Mayhew
  • Jeff Scordino

    Thank you. I am a professional detailer and would love to help out in anyway I can.

    Hi Stephen,
    Thnaks for the invite I will up date to the correct groups for some of my cars.
    Kindest Alex
  • Rodney I Woods

    Stephan, Thank you for your warm welcome and I apologise for my tardiness in replying, but we have been travelling also. Since we spend very little time in Dallas, in total perhaps 60 -90 days a year, our future golf date may not be practical until next Spring. Incidentally, our son Billy Esping is a member of Dallas National and I have always enjoyed that course. When we return to Big D I would be happy to host a reciprocate match at Preston Trail.
  • bob morency

    thank u stephen for your i hope to be bench racin soon im not on the pc to much work alot of hours but hope to chat soon again thank you for your greeting
  • Conor O'Brien

    Any time suits me and my mobile/cellphone is 011 (353) 87 2415870.
    I look forward to a chat.
    Kind regards
  • Josh

    Hi Stephen, I'm just curious where you got my email address which you sent an invitation to. Was it the Pittsburgh Vintage Grand Prix website? What affiliation do you have to the PVGP?

  • JP Saleeby, MD


    Thanks... will submit pics on a regular basis.

  • Andre Leers

    Hi Stephen, i was just making a start to discover the website and will do some home work this weekend by adding a nice selection of my photo's to the my album.

    Looks good around here.

    regards Andre
  • Casey Annis

    We're doing a lot of direct promotion to the various clubs right now, so it spikes up, but we're reaching about 10,000-14,000 per month.

    I think we're going to feature VRL in our Hard Drive section for the March issue, hope it helps.
    All the best
  • David Coyote

    Hi again, Stephen,

    As time permits, I'll become more active here. In the meantime, I'll spread the word at the clubs. Patience is a virture - even when racing.

    Best to you,

  • Bob W

    Hello Stephen .

    Thanks for the invite. I will post a couple of pics when I get a chance.

  • Derek Chapman

    Hi Stephen,
    I was VERY interested to hear that you own an early Interceptor! Could you please tell me the chassis number and maybe send me a picture or two. I am currently compiling photographic records of these cars. Also, if you are interested, I am having a run of "quarter light" rubber specially made for the early Interceptor and trying to find enough owners who are interested to bring the price down. Would you be interested?
  • caslo

    OK Steph - Seems like you have some spies out in the real world.
    How old does a vintage car have to be compete at Vintage race events?
  • Dan DelBianco

    I'm at 412 299-2273 until 11:30 AM today 412 559-3500 after that