Conor O'Brien



Profile Information:

About Me:

The O’Brien, (Prince of Thomond,) The 18th Baron Inchiquin, 10th Baronet of Leamaneh.

Conor, Myles, John, O’Brien born in Surrey, England on 17th July 1943, the son of the youngest son of 15th Baron Inchiquin, The Hon. Fionn, Myles, Maryons, O’Brien who married Josephine Bembaron in 1939. He has one sister, Fiona, who is married to Romano Obert de Thieusies. He became Chief and Peer on the death of his uncle Phaedrig, the 17th Baron on 20th May 1982. He lives on Dromoland Estate in Thomond House, which is next to Dromoland Castle. Dromoland Castle was the home of the O’Briens until 1962, when Donough 16th Baron sold it to Bernard McDonough , who turned it into a luxury 5 star hotel, in 1963.

Conor was educated in England at Eton College, served in the British Army, 14th / 20th King’s Hussars in the Middle East, Far East and Europe from 1962 to 1975. He has lived and worked most of his life abroad, with 10 years spent in the Far East, Hong Kong and Singapore, running his own trading company for seven years, finally in Financial Services in Hong Kong before returning to live in Ireland in 1982. In 1988 he married Helen Farrell of Newtown Forbes, County Longford. They have two daughters, The Hon. Slaney O’Brien, born 1989 and The Hon. Lucia O’Brien born 1991.

The family run an exclusive guest house in their home Thomond House at Dromoland, as well as having turned Dromoland Estate into a major sporting and leisure centre. Activities include, driven pheasant shooting, stalking, fishing, horse riding, eventing, hunter trials, clay pigeon shooting, off road driving, archery and other activities.

Conor O’Brien as Ex- Chairman of “The Standing Council of Irish Chiefs and Chieftains” is another Chief who believes there is a place for him in modern Irish life. He says, “with the tremendous interest in roots and Clans, the Irish Chiefs have a major role that they can play in the Gaelic and cultural heritage of Ireland and in helping the state authorities in the promotion of tourism through the medium of the Clan Associations and Clan Gatherings as well as ensuring that the country recognise the importance of the link between the old Gaelic culture and our modern day Republican culture.

Conor was responsible for the formation of the O’Brien Clan Association and the First Clan Gathering for 400 years in 1992. He has formed “The O’Brien Clan Foundation” worldwide and this was launched in the USA on 17th March 1998. The last Clan gathering was held in Ireland in 2002, to commemorate the 1000th Anniversary of the accession of Brian Boru to the throne of Ireland.The next Gathering will be the 2014 Battle of Clontarf Millenium and the death of Brian Boru, his ancestor.

His interests are in securing Dromoland Estate for the next generation, history, trees and wildlife as well as travel, skiing, shooting, motor racing and motor cars. He is a member of the Kildare and University Club in Dublin.
What car(s) do you own?
1961 Aston Martin DB4 Lightweight 4500cc - Sold Oct 2012
1966 Morris Mini Cooper S 1380cc
1963 Jaguar E Type 3781cc FIA Semi Lightweight.
What do you like to do (e.g. vintage race with...)?
Race with:
Heritage GTCC
The Masters
HRCA Ireland
What clubs do you belong to?
GRRC - Goodwood Road Racing Club
AMOC - Aston Martin Owners Club
HGTCC - Heritage Grand Touring Car Challenge
HRCA - Historic Racing Car Association
The Masters Series
MEC - Motor Enthusiasts Club
JDC - Jaguar Drivers Club
MCR - Mini Cooper Register
What would you like to do (e.g. go to race school; get into Vintage Racing)?
Just to be out there on the circuits with everyone else doing ones best.
Historic Cars Owned
See my website under "race and road cars"

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  • Stephen Page

    Hi Conor

    Thank you for your continued passion for the site and for your wonderful testimony to Eric :-))

    I am in your debt !
    Warmest regards - Stephen

  • Stephen Page

    By the way - starting at 60 - that explains everything :-)))))))))))

  • Rafe Saber

    Hi Conor

    Many thanks for your response. I'm afraid I don't fully understand what you mean by "try to tie in your google site with VRL".

    Warm wishes
