Mike Hayworth

Monterey, California

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About Me:
Live in Monterey California near Laguna Seca. We have a 59 MGA that is being refurbished in hopes of racing in 08.
What do you like to do (e.g. vintage race with...)?
Production Racer

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  • Scott Brown

    Hey Mike... heading down to Laguna next weekend to crew for BoomBoom. Will you be in town? Need to swing by to see your progress on the A.

  • Mike Hayworth

    You bet Buddy. Looking forward to seeing you guys. The car in a roller and could actually be dirven if I tightened all of the bolts. I'll work on the interior stuff more this weekend...whether permitting.
    I'm going up to Morgan Hill tomorrow morning to look at the cars we talked about a couple of months ago.
    We'll talk this week.
  • Scott Brown

    Hi Mike... where is that photo?