Caroline Cassidy


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  • Conor O'Brien

    Hi Caroline nice to see you on this site, which I hope you will enjoy as much as I am. There is a huge amount of info here and some interesting groups to join. Lets see some photos of the Cassidy cars and maybe some in car videos. Hope to see you out on the track later this year. Kind regards, Conor
  • Leo Nulty

    C'est moi!!
    Yip, still have it. Ya interested?!
  • Conor O'Brien

    Hi Caroline, it sounds as though you are in the right place, sun, sea and sand! Life here is pretty bad and not getting any better. A government that lurches from one crisis to another of their own making. I am hopefully going to have 3 races this year in the Mini and none in the Aston, 1 Sprint at the Pageant of Speed in the UK with Barrie" Wizzo" Williams co driving, the 50th Anniversary of the Mini race at the Silverstone Classic weekend also with Barrie co driving and hopefully the Park if they can get it together. Hope you are enjoying Cyprus, I was there with the UN in 1964/5 and have many happy memories. Don't worry the year will go very fast and you will be back racing very soon. Take care and look after yourself. Conor