Stephen Page

42, Male


United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
I am the web designer for TheVRL and over the last 14 years consulted for many large fortune 500 companies. MyVRL is by far the best and most complex site I have ever developed.
What car(s) do you own?
What do you like to do (e.g. vintage race with...)?
race car, build websites
What would you like to do (e.g. go to race school; get into Vintage Racing)?
Historic Cars Owned

Comment Wall:

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  • Stephen Page

    Hi Travis
    Please remove the SAP logo from the Platinum Partners section of
    Also, please remove from all pages as well.
    Many thanks - Stephen
  • Stephen Page

    PLEASE remove the SAP logo.
    Thanks - Stephen
  • Stephen Page

    Hi Travis
    Lets feature Dan Dineson (@ Bondurant) as the Member instead of you.
    I hope that you enjoyed the fame for a day:-))
  • Stephen Page

    Hi Travis
    I changed my telephone number to my cell : 214-676-4333 :-))
  • Stephen Page

    Thank you again for your magnificent work :-))
  • Stephen Page

    Dearest Lord T
    Tried to look at"Tracks" but you must have been woking on it :-))
    Warmest regards - Lord P
  • Stephen Page

    Hi Travis
    I'm at DFW, delayed for my flight to London.
    Did you get my "things to do" email?
    When you get a monent, please re-install the "Central Market" function to the MyVRL Home Page.
    Have a great Christmas :-))
    Write often :-))
    All the best - Lord P
  • Stephen Page

    Dearest Lord T
    How are you doing with the list of "Things to do"?
    It's freezing here................................................
    Warmest regards - Lord P
  • Stephen Page

    Hi Travis
    Are you looking at MyVRL?
    Have you made any progress with the 1-8 list?
    All the best - Stephen
  • Stephen Page

    Dear Travis
    As always, your dedication to this site is unsurpassed :-)))
    If you have anytime before the 29th, I'd be very grateful if you could complete the guide for new members - "How to Get the Most Out of MyVRL" and add back the "Central Market" section to the Home Page.
    Have a great time with Sarah, your Sister and your family.
    Happy Christmas Travis !!!!!
    All the best - Stephen
  • Stephen Page

    Hi Travis
    I'm getting a message stating that I have reached my limit of 100 friends requests.
    Please up the limit to 1 million.
    How are you coming along with my 1 to 8 "to do" list?
    I hope that you are having a great time with your family :-))
    All the best - Stephen
  • Stephen Page

    Hi Travis
    HELP :-)
    I still cannot add friend requests - I'm at my limit of 100 outstanding requests.
    Many thanks for your help in upping my limit.
    Happy Christmas to you and Lady S.
    All the best - Lord P
  • Stephen Page

    BTW - any progress with list of things to do numbers 1-8 ??
  • Stephen Page

    Lord T
    You are amazing :-))
    I'm not sure that you got my email to your gmail account?
    In it, I suggested that we NOT modify the MyVRL Home Page with the Barrett-Jackson photos.
    Take a well earned rest.
    Spoil your family and Sarah.
    I'll call you over Christmas.
    I'm off to play with our Advanced Member Search :-))
    All the best - Lord P
  • Stephen Page

    That is the coolest, fastest Search Function I've ever see.
    Wow, wow wow !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Great Job Travis.
    Thank you :-))
  • Stephen Page

    Hi Travis
    I've added 121 New Events....................
    As in the Member section, we need to Feature 5 x Events at the top of the "Events" section.
    It may also be helpful to sort them by month and by region (US, UK & Europe and World-wide).
    It never ends............:-))
    All the best - Stephen
  • Stephen Page

    Hi Travis
    Please make that 6 x Featured Events.
    Also, we should take the "Tracks" Tab down until we get it right.
    Many thanks - Stephen
  • Stephen Page

    Morning Travis
    Could you please delete this gur's 100+ "me" photos ASAP:
    Thank you :-))
  • Stephen Page

    Hi Travis
    I hope that you have a great weekend with Sarah :-))
    All the best - Stephen
  • Stephen Page

    Morning T
    I love the new icons :-)))
  • Stephen Page

    Lord T
    We need to fix the car links...........................
    ATB - LP
  • Paul E. Hubert


    This is a great place you've created! Look forward to using it more and more!

  • Conor O'Brien

    Travis, I agree wholeheartedly with what Paul said, I am really enjoying this site and I know it will go forward in leaps and bounds in the racing world. You should be very proud of what you have created.
    Keep up the great work and I hope we meet at some stage in the future. Kind regards Conor
  • Bruce B Miller

    Travis -

    Please check the VARA link on the map. When you click it you go to the
    SCCA link. When you click SCCA you go to SCCA. No VARA link
    is there.

  • Stephen Page

    Hi Travis
    How was Egypt ?
    I hope that you and Sarah had a great time :-))
    I'll be back in the office July 7th.
    Several positve UK/VRL developments here.
    Warmest regards - Stephen
  • Stephen Page

    Hi T
    Please add the additional News RSS Feeds in the News section this morning.
    Many thanks :-))))))
    Lord P
  • Stephen Page

    Dear Travis
    Happy Birthday to you,
    Happy Birthday to you,
    Happy Birthday dear Travis
    Happy Birthday to you :-)))))
    Have a great day !!!!!!!!
    BTW - Check out:
    Can we create a seperate "MSA" landing page for myVRL?
    Warmest regards - Stephen
  • Stephen Page

    Hi Travis
    VERY COOL and world class phone feature !!!
    Way to go CTO of the year !!!!!!!!!!
    Very good Goodwood meeting.
    Will call to bring you up to date with all next Tuesday.
    Warmest regards - Stephen
  • Stephen Page

    Dear Travis
    Thank you for being the best at what you do and for being the best CTO a partner
    could wish for :-))
    Warmest regards - Stephen
  • Dennis Gray

    Nice to meet you. Dennis
  • Stephen Page

    Lord T
    We're at 10,106
    What sort of "Hail Mary" activity would it take to get to 20,000, with your recent experience???
    Can you ask the chat group administrators to put our "Link to Us" logo up in their groups and with the car club webmasters?
    All the best - Lord P
  • Stephen Page

    Lord B
    We keep getting new spammers joion and message the network.
    Should we approve all new members before we allow them to post?
  • Stephen Page

    Dearest Lord B
    Happy Birthday to you,
    Happy Birthday to you,
    Happy Birthday dear Travis
    Happy Birthday to you :-))
    I hope that you have a GREAT day!!!!
    I'll call you when I get back from London next Tuesday.
    Warmest regards - your friend
    Lord P
  • Stephen Page

    Hi Lord T
    I deleted this latest member for spam but her messages are still in people's in-box.
    I'm deleting them one by one. Can you refresh the site and will that delete all "Rose's" emails?
    All the best - LP

    At 5:52am on October 10, 2010, rose said…
    My name is miss Rose i saw your profile today at( and fund you worthy to be mine as some one whom i can lay on his arms as long as love is concern, caring and teassing you all the nightlong and ,l will also like to know you the more,and l want you to send an email to my email address ( so l can give you my picture for you to know whom l am. Here is my email address I believe we can move from here! I waiting for your mail to my email address above. miss Rose
    (Remeber the distance or colour does not matter but love matters alot in life)
    Delete Comment
  • Stephen Page

    Lord T
    "Joyreal" has joined 10+ times n the last 4 days and spammed 1000+ members.
    I have several messages from members that have quit the site because of the spam.
    We need to lock down the registration process again.
    I will approve all new members.
    Bugger !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Thank you Lord T
  • Stephen Page

    Lord T
    Please call me when you get this :-))
  • Stephen Page

    Hi Lord T

    I used this tool to check our keywords:

    No changes in our keyword rankings  as I remember.

    Could you improve the position of "vintage racing", "historic racing" and "vrl" which do show a Google page rank.

    Should we consider re-doing our keywords?

    Many thanks - LP


  • Stephen Page

    Lord T - FYI

    Also - same time last year - we got 48% of our website hits from search engine referrals - now we're down to 10%


  • Stephen Page

    Lord T

    11,000+ members from 100+ countries !!!!!!
    Onwards to 1+ million :-))

    All the best

    Lord P

  • Stephen Page

    Lord T

    When will you get the 12 x Motor Sport covers and content in: ????

    All the best - Stephen

  • Stephen Page

    Lord B

    How are we doing with Fix's 1-5 ?

    All the best - LP

  • Edward Eichenlaub

    Do you have anything else on the  porsche carrera 117, or Put in Bay for that matter. Ed Eichenlaub
  • Xavier DAVID

    Many thanks for your guest. I like formula one so much. I hope to share good feeling

    wearing for your news and perhaps meeting ...

  • Stephen Page

    Lord T

    Please add the website into his Group.

    Many thanks - LP

  • Stephen Page

  • Stephen Page

    Morning Lord T
    Please call when you get up.
    All the best
  • Stephen Page

    Hi Lord T

    Thank you for your very special help this weekend.

    Please make the site home page a little wider when you get  home.

    I look forward to seeing what your social media friends can accomplish :-))

    All the best - Stephen

  • Stephen Page

    Very cool Chat update :-)))))))


  • Stephen Page

    Hi T

    When will you get the photo upload feature fixed and the join with Facebook feature (ppt. example sent) installed on the Home Page ?


  • Stephen Page

    Lord T

    I'm at DFW on my way to London, looking at the VRL in the Admiral's Club.

    We have RSS News Feeds from 21 sources (including our own MV NewsBrief).

    Can we make them into one rolling news source, like a Dow Jones ticker ?

    Also, please ask the chap at YouTube to give up the "theVRL" address.

    All the best - LP