GT Racer - Racing Like Steve McQueen
Documentary Series

What makes you feel alive?
Try chasing an AC Cobra through the corners of the world-famous circuit of Spa, Belgium - at night, in the rain - at the wheel of an Aston Martin DB4GT. Despite it being 9:52pm you couldn’t be more awake. Your car drifts sideways through that wet corner too close to the edge that’s hard to make out in the dark. You’re doing 100 miles per hour as the cold evening air is blasting through the back quarter window that is missing since the crash. You smell the burning oil, the hot breaks. The carbon monoxide from the not-so-perfectly improvised exhaust pipe is stinging your eyes. As you shift up, you feel the metallic clunk of the gearbox rocking an undamped jolt as if a giant sledgehammer beats you forward. Seconds later you’re doing a 157 miles - in a sixties GT! Vibration and noise are insane! But before you can deepen that thought: Blinding headlights in you review mirror: That Ford GT40 is gaining on you fast.
This is classic car racing! A worldwide fast growing phenomena where colorful characters living out their most sophisticated car-crazed dreams.
GT Racer is taking you literally inside the cars and onto the tracks. As a member of three idiosyncratic race teams, you are getting a peek at the most spectacular series of international classic racing, where the most beautiful vintage racers ever built battle it out on their most glamorous original tracks: 1950s and 60s Aston Martins, Ferraris, Maseratis, Porsches, Mustangs and Cobras at Spa (Belgium), Le Mans (France), the Nuerburgring (Germany), Limerock and Laguna Seca (USA) the Carrera Panamerican (Mexico) and many more.
GT Racer shares the unique experience of the CLASSIC-RACER that time-travels to the Golden Era of car racing. Where it’s not just about the checkered flag but the thrill of the chase. It’s not just about the speed and the noise but the incredible atmosphere. It’s about style and the single most sophisticated way to get you high on G-force.
It’s the unparalleled old school coolness of a time long gone, genuinely revived down to the smallest bolt. If there ever was a way to become Steve McQueen, this is it.
”Racing is Life! Anything that happens before or after is just waiting.” - Steve McQeen in “Le Mans” 1971
Those lines perfectly express the passion for racing, uttered when racing was still tangible and privateers with nothing more than a decent car and talent could challenge big corporations with deep pockets.
And that’s the story we tell: A story of men who can do things only the right way; uncompromised, driven by passion just as in those golden days, when regular sports cars where modified for endurance racing – a time when the pure drive of one gifted man could take on the one of another.
Today, quite frankly, it is all about the budgets allocated to the racing stables, while the privateer, no matter how talented (or wealthy) is out of the game! The big car manufacturers are deciding who’ll win by throwing nine-figure budgets at the game.
But like always, there is an exception and “GT Racer” will follow the people who represent it. People who do not accept the reality forced upon them but instead insist on creating their own.
As the collection and restoration of classic cars enjoys a widespread and fast growing following, so does the racing. But racing classic cars cannot be accomplished “just” with money. It needs dedication, preparation, talent and above all - great passion, resulting in an atmosphere that is truly unique. The players can’t be typecast. They are from very divers backgrounds - only united by the deep love for racing the world’s most beautiful cars.
In “GT Racer” we will follow a handful of passionate racers, their teams and their mind-boggling cars.
The crews are shooting interviews with drivers and mechanics, exploring the mental drama of such a race i.e.: A team feverishly dissembling one car between races to lend a needed part to another team that needs to race right now, only to later change the part back to get the dissembled car ready again.
Small HDTV cameras are used on-board to record during the entire race.
“GT Racer” takes you inside an experience, truly genuine on all levels. Not only the racers, but also the mechanics, spectators, everybody involved, share the same vibrant feeling. To be alive is what sets them apart.
A ’60s Aston racecar is not so easy to come by let alone race it. Compelling character is needed and “GT Racer” will share the pilots’ experience, live with them, film their joy and their despair. These men have cracked the mold, but they are united; all needing this archetypal experience in their lives.
“GT Racer” finds out what makes them tick, what does classic racing mean to them?
We share this modern magic that proves that the people who do it are no less intense and interesting than the hero drivers from the past (or the movie stars playing them). They find the means to create another level of reality. Some financially, some creatively, some by the pure force of their passion and some through a combination of all of the above.
Legends become alive, movies become reality and reality becomes larger than life, as the unscripted TV-show has come full circle!
Classic car racing has never before been covered like this: It’s a unique slice of our human culture, reflecting what we all long for.
Unscripted TV as cinéma vérité: Reinventing a genre, thus creating a new archetype in its own right with compelling international characters, cars and location.
“Racing is Life. Anything that happens before or after is just waiting.”
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I love your work and own all your films to prove it. I was happy to contribute to seeing your latest project get completed and look forward to watching it. Please continue the GT Series, there's nothing else like it .........period.
New Trailer is up!
Sadly no luck with the doc, as you said I think we were sadly too late, but we'll have plenty of fun all the same - can't believe it's only a matter of weeks away now :)
Speak soon
A-L x
Please share far and wide.
I loved the GT Racer show. Nice work. If you ever do a series in the US let me know, I would love to help.
really nice Site. Well done!
Yours Andreas
This is great news about GT Racer II.
Just to let you know that the same group of friends who saw Shaken & Stirred met up again for a night of food and car talk, this time we viewed the second disc of GT Racer last weekend, we thoroughly enjoyed the experience again. The very social occasion of Lime Rock had us all looking for the maps and the possibility of visiting for the event, I cannot believe ALMS events are held there too, this is awe inspiring. The imagary and festival of the Spa 6 hours was captivating, the Astons shaking their tails had us all breathless (and again looking at our diaries and maps). Laguna Seca we all knew as we have all been there but only on Playstation's Grand Turismo game, we are a very mature group of gamers and car enthusiasts, with a difference spanning 20 years and I am the youngest at just over 40.
We will have watched the seven films a number of time before the new series comes out on TV or DVD, this I can be sure about, as they are great for stimulating much discussion.
Kind regards
Thank you for the information it is really appreciated, as I will now plan to visit a different event. As Christopher initmates Brands would be great or Magny C sound intersting.
Once again thanks and many kind regards.
Thanks for that, yes, Stephen and I have been looking at various ideas
Now, how is the 2008 film coming along as a finished product? We have just announced - see my website, news section, that we will be at Magny C again mid July 10-12th, and the final version of last years would be a huge help!
also, if you really can come to Brands in late Mya, great, but we need to fix that with the circuit - keep me posted! all the best C
Oh and let Kris, below, know, the Oporto thing looks very difficult this year, but in a crowded calendar with so little time for such long diustance trucking, in a hard budget year, it was always going to be so. best C
and we are now on teh same date at Magny C
Thank you for the kind email I hope to have some new pictures to put up soon.
Do you know if the Oporto Historic Grand Prix will happen this year as I can find no recent reference to it?
Any information gladly recieved.
Kind regards
Please join our newly formed website group as well on The site will continue to grow expanding the details of VGT Challenge race at Toronto.
Kind Regards
Alister MacLean. Time Warp Racing.
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