I'm a big fan of Two Lane Black Top and Vanishing Point!

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if you wanted to make a good film you should remake the horror film christeen but make it set in england useing english things of the 1970s and use the ford cortina mk 3 as the car every one remembers the mk 3 cortina and it had a classic shape like a yank motor i would serjest the mk 3 cortina gxl modle if you whatch the tv show life on mars the car in it was all wrong for the year the show was set in witch was 1973 the car they used was a 1975 mk 3 2000e the face lift modle with flat dach but it had a mk3 gxl rad grill and twin head lights the gxl had a slopeing dash so everytime you see seans inside the car you could see the show was using a car that was not even on the market until 1975 every essex boy would spot it it spoilt the whole show for detail
if you look at alexis sales 45 single record cover HALLO JOHN GOT A NEW MOTOR it shows a mk 3 cortina 2000e with this modle not for sale untill late 1975
anyway back to horror i bought a mk 3 cortina from grays essex in 1985 from a guy who was selling off his dead brothers things i had to go to this house where the grass was 3ft long i riped the guy of and gave him £50 as i told him it was rotten and gave the car to my girlfriend she always said it had a mind of its own and must be haunted so in the end i sold it for £500 after that it was stolen 3 times from the next owner he got it back every time but after 3 times he to felt this car had bad vibes
and after watching the film christeen on sky the other week i remembered all this and thought if only some one could remake this with a cortina
KEV http.//essexrebels.webs.com


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