Unique opportunity to own the 24 Hours of Le Mans Clock & Race Display

24 Hours of Le Mans Clock & Race Display

You are looking at what auction houses and appraisers have called the:

 “Second Most Famous Clock in the World” for the 24 hours of LeMans in France

This is the Original LeMans Clock & Race Display which was located at the Start / Finish line for the 24 hours race and was the Official Time for the start of the race AND Race Display/ Race Control during the race and Official Time for the Finish.


We purchased this Clock and Race Display from the ACO, organizers of the 24 hours of LeMans race, at the ACO Museum Archive Auction.

We have in a folder of 8 x 10 glossy photos of the Auction. The photos show the clock, lights along with the head of the ACO Museum, Director of the Curcuit of LeMans, and the Auctioneer, the Auction Catalog Pages, and the display housing in storage at LeMans

In the 100+ years of the 24 hours of LeMans this is the ONLY LeMans Clock (and race display) in Private Hands.

About the Clock & Displays

Finish was Deep Red Brown in 1991 (which you can see) and was then painted in Blue and Yellow the colors of the ACO = the finish is as we purchased and therefore 99% original and shows the original Patina

Size: 118” (300cm) by 59” (150cm) by 16.5” (42cm)    weight 900 pounds

The Clock on its own, is an exceptional piece, which can be programmed for any of the 24 hour time zones, and is accurate to + or – .01 of a second.  The master clock can be equipped with an optional antenna for synchronization with the Atomic Clocks in France or Germany, or with a GPS antenna for synchronized anywhere it should be in the world.

If the power goes out, once the power is restored, the clock will fast forward itself to the current correct time. 

Temperature (LED)

Lap Counter (LED)

Center Panel

This originally held the LED display for the race leader number; this LED display is still in use today in the current LeMans Clock & Display.  

Therefore depending on the ultimate buyer we see a number of possibilities

a) Advertising Panel

b) Replacement like the Original LED Display

c) Install a digital clock = for use in Timed Events (ie: Track & Field or any timed event)

d) Flat Screen TV

e) The one we like = Digital Timing Clock (day, date, time) and Flat Screen TV  = which allows not only for event timing, but also post race photo opportunities. Example: Marathon = after the race one could show the runner crossing the finish line on the Flat Screen along with there time for a post race family “Photo in a Photo” Opportunity (also a fund raising opportunity)


This clock & display are truly a global piece = works on 110v to 230v anywhere in the world.


Comes with a Custom Built, reusable HD export crate for shipping anywhere in the world

Crate size is 127” by 36” by 69”    weight of crate including clock & display = 1485 pounds

Restoration: 1000+ hours in research, engineering and restoration . . .

at a conservative @$100 per hour = $100,000

LeMans Mystic & Iconic Global Stature

The most valuable collector cars in the world today ALL trace their pedigree and values to the 24 hours of LeMans.

Bentley, Bugatti (the rarest selling for over $35 million), 1959 LeMans Aston Martin won driven by Carroll Shelby set the stage for both of the brands, 1960’s era Ferrari GTO’s sell for $10m to $35million, Famous Ford GT40’s of 1966 to 1967 = winner cars valued at $10M+.

Porsches wins at LeMans begin in 1970’s. Steve McQueen’s LeMans Movie (1970) featured the “24 Hour Clock” . . . Steve McQueen racing uniform from his film sold in December 2011 in LA for $984,000 = nearly $1m dollars

Ranked the #1 Sporting Event in the World – 24 hours of Le Mans by National Geographic


Like the Olympics, World Cup Soccer, Super Bowl, NBA Finals, The Master Golf Tournament, Wimbledon, World Series in Baseball. . .  and like the hockey’s Stanley Cup Trophy, Borg Warner Trophy at Indy 500 . . . the 24 hours of LeMans Clock is an Iconic Symbol of Endurance & Performance at the highest level = Truly a Globally Recognized Iconic Symbol.  The Halo effect of LeMans 

This clock & display was used from 1991 to 2000 and includes some of the greatest names:

Mazda 1991 (only Japanese car company to win = neither Honda nor Toyota have won?!)

Peugeot 1992 & 1993,

Porsche 1994, 1996, 1997 & 1998

McClaren 1995 (only win at LeMans)

BMW 1999

Audi  2000

 - each of these winning cars are valued in excess of $1M+.   



Porsche for its new HQ and driver experience/delivery center in Atlanta or Porsche under construction experience/delivery center in the LA area   

Mazda at one of its various worldwide sites from dealerships to marketing

Events of all types: 


Marathon = “sponsored by or brought to you by” 

London Marathon, Boston, NY, China or the Middle East  

Race for the Cure = sponsorship or Fund Raiser

(take your and/or your family photo with Clock & Display)

Brand Image

This IS the Most Famous Clock in the World for:

Endurance     Speed     High Performance     Winning

100+ years proven Global Halo Effect

AND it does not get any more Rare & Exclusive = it is the Only One In the World in Private Hands = truly a Global Iconic = Once in a Lifetime Opportunity. 

AIC International Corporation, World Trade Center, PO Box 421427, Dallas, Texas 75342

Tel: 214-634-2900   Fax: 214-634-3364   email: aicdallas@att.net

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