JANUARY SALE - Petrolhead Heaven
A very Happy New Year to you. For just this weekend we're having a massive sale on our motoring titles - in particular the Petrolhead Heaven Boxset saves you £35 on all the DVDs. The sale ends Monday 19th - don't say we didn't tell you :-)

GTRacer: The Series & Shaken and Stirred - Alexander Davidis' epic TV series now available on DVD
Normally £34.98, Save £15 BUY NOW £19.99
More Info+Trailer+Buy
The Snake and the Stallion - The best cobra/ferrari documentary ever made
Normally £24.99 Save £10 BUY NOW £14.99
C'etait Un Rendezvous - "Makes Bullitt look like a cartoon" Jeremy Clarkson
Normally £14.99, Save £5 BUY NOW £9.99
More Info+Trailer+Buy
Petrolhead Heaven Boxset
(all the above DVDs!!)
Normally £74.96, SAVE £35 BUY NOW£39.99
More Info+Trailer+Buy
Get it while its hot!
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