From Saturday June 27th till Saturday July 4th 2015 - see:

The Organizing Committee of the FIVA World Rally Switzerland is looking forward to receive participants from all countries in the hope of offering you all an excellent and unusual week in Switzerland. The Committee members have prepared a program light in kilometres, numerous cultural sites and visits, which, should also be attractive for the ladies. It is not just a question of driving up and down passes without stopping, arriving tired out in the evening, but to give “Time to Time” as once said a famous french président.

After leaving the beautiful City of Basel, you will be able to admire the Vier Waldstättersee, Lake Lugano and the Lake of Neuchâtel ( the last 2 on boat trips ). A visit to the famous Einsiedeln Cloister, the well known Klausen Pass, the Gothard Pass, which by the way is part of the water source for Europe, being at the origin of the Rhine, the Reuss, the Ticino and last but not least the Rhône. A morning’s shopping in Lugano, then over the Nufenen pass, on to Gstaad and it’s famous Palace Hotel where you will stay for 2 nights.

During this week, you will change languages and culture three times. First of all the quiet bumbling efficiency of the North, secondly the italian exuberance in the South (Ticino) then, the good «parlé français« in Neuchâtel and back to the mountain area of the Berneese Alps in Central Switzerland. The above means you will probably buy your postcards in Swiss german, pay for your stamps in Italian and post them in a french speaking post office!!!

The “cuisine” too, will be different throughout the trip as each area has its specialities. The Committee has been working on this project since 2013 and hope enough has been said for you to want to come and join us for this event.

Participation conditions

Are admitted vehicules built until 1970, categories A/B/C/D/E/F

Registration fees

2 persons sharing a double room: CHF 5’850.00 / 1 person single room: CHF 3'850.00 The fee includes, 4* and 5* stars hotels with breakfast and diner. Drinks : mineral water and coffee, wine when possible. Lunches, except Wednesday in Lugano and Thursday. The Rally plate, mechanical assistance, bus for the luggage, roadbook, maps, excursions, visits, concert boat trips on lake Lugano and the Lake of Neuchatel.


Neuchâtel Classic

René Balmelli

Rue de la Musinière 10b
2072 Saint-Blaise, Switzerland



English Evyonne Fischlin
T. +4179 681 6654
Ruedi Müller
T. +4141 666 3464
Deutsch Ruedi Wenger
T. +4179 628 2940
Ruedi Müller
T. +4141 666 3464
Français Daniel Fischlin
T. +4179 628 2940
Dominik Fischlin
T. +4179 652 9176

Each year FIVA assigns to one of his members the FIVA World Rally. In 2015 this event will take place in Switzerland,

The FIVA World Rally 2015, from Saturday 27th June 2015 until Saturday 4th July is the best opportunity to become acquainted with Switzerland in a vintage car from its most picturesque side.

The program does satisfy Ladies needs as well; we stay two nights at the same first-class hotel at the time.
Of course, the famous Swiss passes will play an important role, and the corresponding agenda will allow us
to traverse these attractive passes without time pressure.

Not a cheap event but of very good value. Thanks to some very generous sponsors the cost for the participants
are favorable, compared to the offered goods and services. The organizing committee members work on a
voluntary basis and without charging expenses.

May we kindly ask you to scrutinize and to forward this mail to all your member clubs, all the enthusiasts in your organization and of course all your historic vehicle friends?

In the case of any questions those members of the organization committees are happy to be available for you at any time.

Peeter Henning

FIVA Director Communications

About the FIVA

The “Fédération Internationale des Véhicules Anciens” (FIVA) was founded in 1966 in response to an idea formulated by a handful of organisations representing the interests of historic vehicle enthusiasts within a number of different countries. The founders felt that the time had come for an international body to promote and guide the interests of the historic vehicle movement throughout the world. At present FIVA can boast over 85 member organisations in more than 62 countries throughout the world, which in turn represent more than 1.500.000 historic vehicle enthusiasts.

FIVA’s primary objective is to encourage the safe use of self-propelled, mechanical vehicles, more than thirty years old, on the roads for the benefit of both their owners, dedicated enthusiasts and the general public. To that end FIVA, through its Events’ Commission, has devised its own code for the safe promotion of rallies or mildly competitive events, and in concert with the European Commission, has recently published a Drivers’ Code for more general guidance of historic vehicle users, which can be downloaded from the link below.

FIVA is also concerned with the preservation of historic vehicles, which are accepted as being an important part of our industrial heritage and attempts to catalogue as many historic vehicles as is possible through the FIVA Vehicle ID card, which is administered by its Technical Commission. To further this end it has forged links with UNESCO and has persuaded the European Commission to accept that historic vehicles represent a significant contribution to our industrial heritage. It also has important links with ‘Fédération Internationale de l’Automobile’ (FIA) to promote the interests of historic cars in more sporting arenas and ‘Fédération Internationale Motorcyliste’ FIM to help achieve similar objectives for motorcycles.

Through its Legislation Commission, FIVA has been assiduous in protecting the continued use of historic vehicles in the face of any adverse legislation. At present, this is largely concentrated on European countries and the European Union, but with ever increasing pressures on motor transport, the potential threat is ever present.

There are thousands and thousands of historic vehicle owners throughout the world, each one of whom wants to use their own vehicle as they see fit. FIVA is there to encourage each and everyone of these people, and through its various working groups caters for all sorts of historic vehicles from agricultural tractors through Commercial vehicles to cars and motorcycles as you will see from the rest of the website.

Whether you are already an owner and enthusiast of historic vehicles or just a casual browser, we hope you will enjoy your visit to FIVA’s website and learning more about what FIVA does.

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