Deadline for the 2013 Chihuahua Express



The early entry fee for the 2013 Chihuahua Express, April 19-21, 2013 is only $2250 USD.  This price is good until the end of this month.   The fee goes up to $2500 on December 1.  Mail your check by that date and you get the discount.

The race organizer, Mr. Chacho Medina, has a liberal policy on refunds, too. 

Hotels are extra.  The headquarters hotel (registration, tech, and meetings) is the luxury Soberano Hotel, high on a hill overlooking the city.  Rooms are $165 a night, tax included, payable to the race organizer, Chacho Medina.  Other hotels, including American chains, are located nearby.  Most racers stay in the Sobrano for five nights (Wednesday through Sunday nights).

 Interest in the event is picking up in Europe and the U.S.  The weather in Chihuahua is usually great this time of the year – very little chance of wind and rain.

Please ask for an entry form, a list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ), and instructions how to send in the entry fee or pay for a room at the Soberano.  Funds can be sent via PayPal, personal check, or wire transfer.  Competitors in the U.S. can deposit the funds directly into Mr. Medina’s account with Bank of America, too.


The Express Convoy will leave the Holiday Inn Express in north El Paso, at 8:00 Am, April 17, for the 240 mile trip down to Chihuahua City.   The convoy will cross the border at Santa Teresa, New Mexico (called San Jeronimo on the Mexican side).  The convoy will return to the U.S. via Santa Teresa on Monday, April 22.

Other tow trucks and race cars will cross the border at Presido, Texas on April 17 as well.  Presido is much closer for those coming from most of Texas and other states north and east of Texas.  Presido is only 145 miles from Chihuahua City.

It is an easy drive from Santa Teresa to Chihuahua City for those who want to drive their racecars down.  The highways are four-lane or toll roads, with only one town between the border and Chihuahua City.  Traffic is generally light, with no speed bumps, or mountains to climb.

Information about importing your vehicles into Mexico temporarily will be provided.  The cost is around $48 USD.  Import permits may also be obtained via the Internet from


All modern and vintage race cars are invited.  A six-point cage approved by SCCA, NASA, or FIA is required, along with all the other racing equipment, including a HANS device and fire suppression system.  Check the rules on the official web site for details:

Each car must have a driver and co-driver/navigator at all times.  Cars may have more than one driver. All crew members (drivers and co-drivers) must have a Mexican racing license, which is sold before the event.  The license is good for calendar year 2013 and can be used at any rally in Mexico, including the Carrera Panamericana.

Track cars used in the U.S. are eligible to participate in either the modern or vintage classes.  The car does need to have lights, horn, blinkers, etc. to run on public roads, especially after the sun goes down.  However, the car does not have to be registered in the U.S. or any other county to participate.  If the car has a title, it can enter Mexico with a temporary tourist permit, which serves as its registration while in Mexico.

All race cars are covered by the event’s liability insurance, and the racing license provides medical insurance.  Medical doctors and ambulance service are included in the event.  Federal, state, and local police provide security. 

Cars that are built to participate in La Carrera Panamericana are cordially invited to compete in the Express.  Normally, three Pan Am cars will constitute a separate class.   In recent years, participation has been good in the Historic Pan Am classes: A, B, and C. and Turismo Mayor.

Modern cars will run in a standard Mexican rally class, or a special classes for modern cars not eligible for one of those classes.  For example, there is an Unlimited Class, where just about anything goes.

Several racers of Spec 30 BMWs, a popular race group in the USA, have indicated an interest in the Express this year.  Cars like these – track prepared but not too wild – are perfect for an event like the Express.  The only problem is, the drivers many enjoy racing on a public road though the mountains so much, they may be reluctant to go back to a track.

Other similarly prepared racecars may form their own group.  A fire suppression system and HANS devices are needed, however, in all cars.

If you have a question about whether your car or roll cage is eligible, please contact Gerie Bledsoe.

**Why Participate?

Where else in the world can you race top-speed on closed public highways?   It is three days of open road racing--at its finest --across some impressive landscapes, including the rim of the famous Copper Canyon, and it’s only 145 miles from Texas.

It’s close to the U.S.

It’s the same hotel each night.

It’s good practice for LCP or other stage rallies in Mexico.

It only takes five days, a long weekend.

The roads and terrain are excellent.

And it’s not expensive for what you get.


Come on down and check out Mexico and the event by participating in the Express Rally Tour.  It is a “regularity” rally – no racing, just learning how to get from Point A to Point B on time.  The Tour cars drive the same route as the race cars. The entry fee is only $1200 USD.



Mats Hammarlund Racing in San Miguel de Allende has three Ford Falcons to lease for the Chihuahua Express.  The discounted package, just for the Express, is only $24,000 USD.   The package includes the cars, full service before, during, and after the race.  Not included are:  the entry fee, hotels, and gas for the car while racing.

MHRacing goes out of its way to make you feel comfortable in their cars, and they even offer tutoring for the co-driver/navigator.  Full service includes meals while racing and extras like baggage transfer.

Why drop $60,000 or more on building a car for rallying in Mexico, when you can rent one for less than half of that, and find out (1) if you really like rallying Mexican style, and (2) if you like this type of car.


Split the rental fee with a friend and come down to Chihuahua to have fun.


Contact Mats at


As an additional incentive, I will contribute a three-hour orientation about Mexican stage rally racing here in San Miguel, if you come down to get fitted for one of these Falcons.




Gerie Bledsoe, North American Coordinator, Rally Mexico

U.S. Phone 1-650-525-9190 (Central Standard Time)


U.S. Mailing address:

220 N Zapata Hwy Ste 11 Pmb 68B

Laredo, Texas 78043


Allow 3-4 days extra for forwarding to Mexico.

Chacho Medina, President, Chihuahua Express


Steve Waldman, President, Silver State Classic Challenge


The Chihuahua Express is affiliated with the Silver State Classic Challenge.






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