Automotive & Motor Sport Library and Research Centre -

Our mission:

To be a world leader in the archiving of historic automotive & motor racing research materials.


: Automotive & Motor Sport Library and Research Centre

A non-profit 501(c)3 charitable organization.

Auto-Archives is currently housed within the 1500sq.ft. offices of leading automotive publisher Coterie Press

in Littleton, Colorado. We hope to be moving to new long-term, climate controlled premises as soon as funding is

available. Our intention is to develop an archive building that has room to display everything in the collection,

rather than keep material hidden away in storage, as can happen with some archives.

Auto-Archives will be a living collection with the building housing a Museum (with 1-2 cars on display), Library,

Coffee Shop & Reading Room, Art Gallery, Movie & Media Room, Garage Facility, as well as a Photo Library with

image printing services. The building will be open to all automotive journalists, car clubs, researchers and fans, to view

the collection, research the archive, or simply ‘hang-out’ with like minded people. Auto-Archives also hope to have a

‘Mobile Archive’ display and collection that will travel to schools, colleges, car shows and race meetings. This will be

open to the public at these locations so that they can get a ‘flavor’ of the collection.

The Archive currently has access to the following material, with all items either owned by Auto-Archives or, on

permanent loan. All photographic images held in the archive are done so under license, with full copyright agreement

from the copyright holder.

11,159 UK - Automotive Magazines

12,663 USA - Automotive Magazines

1,684 Worldwide - Automotive Magazines

3,182 Automotive Club Magazines

1,281 Racecar Event Programs

234 Race Media/Press Packs

1,392 Car Brochures & Press Releases

241 Vehicle Auction Catalogs

85 Vehicle Workshop Manuals

1,648 Automotive Books

289 Automotive Scale Models

143 Automotive & Motor Racing Posters

126 Original Autographed items

Our Photographic Library holds over 51,000 images from the photographic archives of Peter Darley, Ian Catt and

William Taylor, along with the Motor Racing collections of Classic Team Lotus, Coterie Press and Polygon Marketing.

4,230 Peter Darley Archive

16,640 Ian Catt Collection

22,400 William Taylor

4,250 Classic Team Lotus

2,100 Polygon McLaren Collection

1,250 Coterie Press


PO Box 271747

Littleton, CO 80127

Tel: 303 933 2526

A non-profit 501(c)3 organization

EIN: 32-0323408 DLN: 17053122307011

WWW. A u t o - A r c h i v e s . o r g

Auto-Archives plans to expand quickly, and to become one of the major collections of automobile related material in the world.

Auto-Archives will have discretionary funds available to purchase collections for the archive, but will of

course depend on donations from automobile collectors and enthusiasts throughout the world. Any material

donated will be ascribed to the company or individual making the donation and recognition for all donors will be

prominently displayed in the archive building. If requested, the name of the donor will be kept confidential.

Auto-Archives are actively seeking additional documentation to enrich the collection, including rare and

interesting reference books, periodicals, programs, prints, films, and posters. We are especially interested in

manuscript items such as drivers' diaries; the research notes of motor racing journalists; club, sanctioning body,

corporate, and team records; scrapbooks; and other unique items that express the passion of the people who

have shaped the Automotive and Motorsport worlds. Of course, we would also be very excited to receive any

vehicle donations for the museum, including anything from a project car in need of restoration (we hope to

involve a local college who run vehicle restoration courses), to a fully prepared ‘show’ standard car for display.

If you have any automotive related materials, or know of any individuals or companies that may have items

that they would like to donate, please contact us on (303) 933-2526. If you know of any collections or

photographic archives that may be available for purchase, again, please contact us. Period photographs are

the most accurate record of vintage automobile and racing history, and, if properly archived, provide the most

valuable part of any library. Please help us save this area of automotive history that is all too often lost forever.

All donations of either automotive related items, or cash, are of course tax deductible with the US IRS.

All materials given to Auto-Archives are recorded, cataloged and entered into a database as soon as they

are received. By late 2012 this database will be available to reference on-line at the Auto-Archives website


Items donated to Auto-Archives that duplicate items already in the collection will be available to outside individuals or other collections for sale or trade. Duplicate material will also form part of our ‘Mobile Archive’ that will travel to race meetings and car shows. We hope to work with other automobile related archives to help us all expand our collections.

William Taylor


Our mission:

To be a world leader in the archiving of historic automotive & motor racing research materials.

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Comment by Stephen Page on July 24, 2012 at 2:58pm

Hi William

Our two efforts are very complimentary.

I look forward to working with you to make both visions a reality.

Stephen Page


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