Once again, Lord March and his team have brought the quiet village of Goodwood in West Sussex England, roaring to life with an assault on your visual, audio and nostalgic senses.

The 2012 Goodwood Festival of Speed, originally staged in 1993, is the culmination of incremental perfection by a dedicated group of motor sports enthusiasts.

Each year the Festival honours individuals, Car Manufacturers and specific Car Marques. Lotus owners world-wide are celebrating 60 years of Lotus this year.

The Festival featured a stunning celebration of Alain Prost's racing career with the cars and photographic dioramas, staged to take the visitor through his impressive accomplishments.

After being "demonised" in the film SENNA, Alain was delighted that Goodwood so successfully showcased his significant accomplishments in a such a positive light.

In addition to the overwhelming impression created by the event, the cars and the setting, Goodwood have sponsored the creation of a future collectors item, a booklet entitled "Young Guns Born to Win".

Young Guns Born to Win contains unique photos and narratives of  often mentioned stars of racing to include Colin Chapman, Stirling Moss, Emerson Fittipaldi and lesser known race industry individuals to include Gordon Murray, Bob Dance and Martin Waide. Their stories are compelling reading and present a delightful "insiders" view of the sport.

Hats off to Lord March and his team.

Put the Festival of Speed and the Goodwood Revival on your bucket list - attend at all costs.

Stephen Page


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Comment by Geoffrey George Weiner on July 3, 2012 at 12:49pm

ALL my eBay listings have been suspended because of a dispute with one of your fellow countrymen who has fraudulenty scamed me out of a $10,000 Lalique mascot! However I am still happy to conduct mail-order business and take PayPal and Am Ex payments (no other cards are entertained). As to VINTAGE RACING, well this is one of the best websites I have come accross. Thank you GG Weiner

Comment by Geoffrey George Weiner on July 3, 2012 at 12:44pm

Hi, I've been to every one of the Festival of Speed and the Revival shows, I'm lucky as I live in Brighton which is only about an hours drive (or less) to Goodwood along the coast. These are surely the worlds finest automotive shows! 

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