This year we can toast the Original Pan Am class. Just a few years ago OPA almost disappeared, but it has slowly returned and this year has reached fifteen cars. Wonderful!
It's an extremely diverse class, too. Theere's a 356 Porsche listed, along with a 190D Mercedes that plans to run the event on bio-fuel (McDonald's old french fry grease).
Carson Scheller in his strong '54 Ford Vicky is returning to defend his championship, and you can be sure than Rich Morrision, driving his beautiful Mercedes 220 coupe, will give him a run for his money. And our friends from Canada, the Gregory clan, have not one, but two Studebakers in the mix this year.
My favorites are, of course, the big Lincolns of Brad Kaplan, Christian Reichart, and maybe Jon Kennedy. The were the great American cars of 1953-1954.....winning all the top spots in their class.
Of particular note is Ron Lee's Kurtis 500 coupe, which was one of two cars built for the Carrera in '55. Of course, the event was canceled that year and the cars did not run. This particular car did run the modern Carrera in the early '90s, I believe. Maybe 1991. Ron is also building a "special" for the event. Maybe it will run instead of the Kurtis.
Our problem has always been including all OPA cars in one class. Back in 1954, for example, there were five Carrera classes: Sports, Sports Hasa (1500 cc or under), Turismo (Big V8 American Sedans), Turismo Europeo (European Sedans), and Turismo Especial (Small American Sedans, small V8s, including hemis and sixes).
In 1954, the Dodge hemis dominated the small V8/6 class, taking the first four positions, while Lincoln took the top two spots in large V8, followed by Cadillac in 3d and 4th. Porsche 356s, running against 550s and one OSCA, finished in 5-6-7. Yes, you remember correctly, Ferrari swept the top four places in Sports, while Ak Miller finished 5 in his special, the Iron Horse. (Caballo de Hierro). 2008 will be an interesting event, to say the least.
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