yes, i remember these damn, huge, mean at least 20 meters long german cobra which attacked was a hard fight, but you won. and all that just because you wanted to save the little canadian john from getting eaten alive... these snakes scare the hall out of me every day.they are everywhere here. :-)
Comment by Mark Barrs on January 15, 2009 at 4:18pm
Thanks Lutz,love the shot and can now show off proof of my Cobra bite to my right leg. Now they will have to beleive me. Regards and thanks
Comment by Claus Oster on January 15, 2009 at 8:58am
What a wonderful experience for my 10 years old son Julius. Since that day he is a real Vintage Racing Enthusiast.
Thanks Lutz. That's Mark on the left, director of photography, GT RACER Season I (Nürburgring). You are about to drive off ;-) with the son of my friend Claus's (second on the right) while I look on (far right).
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