Dale Mathers



New Zealand

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What do you like to do (e.g. vintage race with...)?
Road Car

Comment Wall:

  • Patrick Hogan


    Just finished a race this weekend at a new track within an hour of Denver. It is 2.6 miles long and known as High Plains Raceway. I raced the Camaro. We went thru the car and had a few issues most notably the Detroit Locker had some pawls missing from the rebuild so the right side wheel would take a second to engage causing a wiggle in the car on acceleration. We changed out the ring and pinion and used a spool. I didn't notice too much push. In fact, my biggest issue that still needs to be resolved is the rear sway bar. I think it is too big in diameter. We changed it a few years ago and ever since I've noticed more pronounced oversteer and it is set to full soft. I had great turn in capability. My front shocks are rated at 550 lbs. Those might be a little light. Do you have any thoughts on this?

    Also, I want to race the Monterey Historics in August and plan to do Watkins Glen in mid-June with the Camaro. It did a Trans Am race there 40 years ago.

    I hope you are doing good. Tell me about your plans for the rest of this year.

