Leonard Parks

48, Male

Newport News VA

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
I love racing, especially Formula 1, WRC (hopefully it will be back on TV soon- TRN) just about any kind of European Racing, not much into NASCAR though. I have a 2006 350 Z that I love! I am married to a girl from Chong Qing China and have a son that is going to be 4 years old in September. I have been to China 4 times since we have been married, love the place! I think everyone should go there at least once in there life. I work at Ball Metal in Williamsburg VA. I have been there for 8 years, love the job! We make the beer cans and soda cans that you guys drink from everyday. The biggest customer we have is Anheuser-Busch, but after this German company takes over, well, we will see what happens.
What do you like to do (e.g. vintage race with...)?
Road Car

Comment Wall:

  • Mike Rogers


    I believe I've been watching your posts on The Racing Network site. Welcome the the Vintage Racing League.

    Here are some vintage racing happenings in your backyard later on this year:

    Vintage Rally: Mountain Mille, September 21-26

    Sportscar Vintage Racing Association (SVRA) at Viginia International Raceway, September 27, 28.

    I've been waiting on TRN to happen for a year now. Until it gets going I've been enjoying being part of the vintage racing scene, helping out as a corner worker, photographer and marketing spokesman for Rocky Mountain Vintage Racing in Colorado.

    Mike Rogers (photomike on TRN)