Kevin Lynch

73, Male

Lakewood, Colo.

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
Hi there! I'm a San Francisco native & I've been with RMVR since 1995. I drive a 67' Mk I GT6. Was lucky enough to compete in the Denver GP 2004 & Steamboat Street races. In 2008 will be Chief Driving Instructor and am in last year of serving on the club's Board. I also own a 59' MGA coupe as well as a 67' TR4-A.
What do you like to do (e.g. vintage race with...)?
Road Car

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  • Mike Rogers

    Happy Birthday Kevin!
    It was great to see you and your GT6 on the track at HPR in July. See you at the Enduro.
  • Felicia

    Hi Kevin,
    Am Felicia and I research cars. Am looking for the surviving race cars: Triumph GT6, I have located a few thus far and Mike suggested you. Can see the pic. It is a beauty. Let me know when is good for me to get in touch with you.
    Happy Birthday!!!!
  • Felicia

    Hi Kevin, Thank you for your prompt response. Kas' GT6 is one of the cars I found. His was a street car and came from the unsold inventory of Triumph in California. The was exported to the US on 12/31/71 and Kas got it mid-72. Kas made the modifications to race it. I am looking for Gt6's that raced then and may be still race as vintage or have been turned into street cars. So, judging by the pics of your car... yours is not a replica and is a race car!!!!! Am looking forward to learning more about your GT6. Kas mentioned Clive Avril, I believe Mike Rogers knows how to get in touch with him. There are not that many GT6's that raced or race out there. You have a jewel. Felicia