
Profile Information:

What car(s) do you own?
Range Rover 1990
and a famous Toucan
What do you like to do (e.g. vintage race with...)?
Co Driver in MG B GT
What clubs do you belong to?
ART : Alain Racing Team
What would you like to do (e.g. go to race school; get into Vintage Racing)?
Monte Carlo rallye
rue du Château d'eau

Comment Wall:

  • Stephen Page

    Hi Renouardiere
    Great to have you on board :-))
    Welcome to MyVRL.
    Please personalize the appearance of your Home Page, join the MG, Range Rover, Triumph, Lancia and your other favorite car Groups, post photos (and race videos if you have them) and invite your friends to join.
    I look forward to meeting you.
    All the best - Stephen
    The Vintage Racing League
  • Pat Lambert

    Salut Goli!
    Nous avons mis qq photos de la Fiat, tu pourrais en mettre de la MG en pleine action!
  • Nico

    Me voila,
    en plein action comme toujours,
    red bull cookie,
    y a que ca de vrai !