David Murray

38, Male

United States

Profile Information:

What do you like to do (e.g. vintage race with...)?
racing cars, cycling, snowboarding and anything on a boat
What clubs do you belong to?

Comment Wall:

  • Stephen Page

    Hi David
    Great to have you on board !
    Welcome to MyVRL.
    Please personalize the appearance of your Home Page, join the BMW and your other favorite car Groups, post photos (and race videos if you have them) and invite your friends to join.
    All the best - Stephen Page
    The Vintage Racing League
  • Tom Nuxoll

    Hey David,

    It was awesome racing with you last weekend. You are really good to battle with. Looking forward to the Northwest Historics!
  • Tom Nuxoll

    Have you seen the video on Ron's page? Great racing.