Stephanie Economu

64, Female

Profile Information:

21 East Street

Comment Wall:

  • Terry Dunne

    Hello, my friend! How good it was to see you opening day at Lime Rock Park....what a great morning it was....the season is here, and I am looking forward to seeing your happy face tearing around the track once again....bagging another trophy, or two for 2009!
    --- go get 'em girl!
  • Stephen Page

    Hi Stephanie
    Great to have you on board !
    Welcome to MyVRL.
    Please join your favorite car Groups, post photos (and race videos if you have them) and invite your friends to join.
    All the best - Stephen Page
    The Vintage Racing League
  • Stephen Page

    I love your website and what you're doing.
    I'll build a Group for your business next week and you can use it to promote your business to our members.
    Also, check out our "How to Get Into Vintage Racing" Guide; see the pull down menu under our "Home" tab on this website.
    Last, check out the Track Chic Group on this site.
    I suspect that you will have a lot in common.
    Warmest regards - Stephen