Gary Tatman


Profile Information:

About Me:
53 yr old millwork installation foreman, with a love of racing and for carving racing cars from mahogany, with stunningly accurate detailing.
What car(s) do you own?
Ford F-150
What do you like to do (e.g. vintage race with...)?
Attend racing events and concours de elegances featuring racing cars of all eras
What clubs do you belong to?
Club Artistes Auto
What would you like to do (e.g. go to race school; get into Vintage Racing)?
I'd love to attend a racing school and plan to, as it is on my bucket list!
421 Phirne Rd. West

Comment Wall:

  • Daniel Mensinger

    Welcome to the group. Very nice models, love the Tyrrell 6-wheeler.
  • Bruno ROUSSEL

    Hi Gary !
    Welcome to you. I'm writing from france. What is "Club Artistes Auto " ?

  • Bruno ROUSSEL

    Thanks Gary for all informations you give mme about Club Artistes Auto ( written in french ! ). I asked you the question because we have in France, located in Paris, a club with the same name but in english ! Club "Artists" Auto... Does your Club have a web site ? Could you give me the address? I would like to see what you do ? Thank very much.
