Greg Collins

52, Male


United Kingdom

Profile Information:

About Me:
Work in a parts department for a Renault specialist
Love everything to do with cars, there are my life!
What car(s) do you own?
Triumph TR7 FHC Auto 1976
What do you like to do (e.g. vintage race with...)?
Tinker with classic cars
Motorsport Marshall
Would love to build my own car, probably a Pilgrim Sumo(Cobra replica)
What clubs do you belong to?
Essex Rebels Classic Car Club
TR Drivers Club
What would you like to do (e.g. go to race school; get into Vintage Racing)?
One day i will get into track days.
Puffin, Sandwich Road

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  • kev todd

    NICE PHOTOS MATE was it duxford ? have been out with dave n sue today to the concreat farm mags got a dog £20 sue got 2 gargoils bloody heavey they are in the conservitry daves walet is very light now ? wait to you see them
  • kev todd

  • kev todd

    photos still not sorted this end
    i worked this 18th birthday party tonight the family were so smelly the club had to go round with spray air freshiner the birthday boy was so drunk by 1030 they had to carry him to his cake and his step father had to put out the candells they then carried him out of the club
    hope your birthday was as much fun