Wayne Hill

, Male


Profile Information:

About Me:
CVAR worker member from 1995. SCCA member 1966-1982 & 1993-present. San Jac Crash Rescue Team 1969-2003.
Cars owned include Corvette, Speedster, 924, Mach 1, +4.
On track activities include Flagging and Communications, Crash Rescue, SCCA Sound Control and Photography for fun and profit.
Driver or rallymaster in many gimmick rallies spanning 1967-2000.
2007 Winner of SCCA Volunteer of the Year for Sound Control.
What do you like to do (e.g. vintage race with...)?
Road Car

Comment Wall:

  • Stephen Page

    Dear Wayne
    Welcome to the VRL.
    Please post some of your beautiful photo's when you get a moment :-))
    All the best - Stephen
  • Stephen Page

    Great photos Wayne - thank you for posting them.

    I have used Google to search the internet and I can not find any worthwhile vintage racing photos of Pablo.

    Do you have any more ?

    Many, many thanks - Stephen