John J. Carlson


British Columbia


Profile Information:

About Me:
Living near Vancouver BC Canada--Married to Koko for 35 years; have two sons, JJ and David in their twenties who also love old cars. I am the curent CEO of the National Association of Automobile Clubs of Canada Corp. This 35 year old lobby group is dedicated to keeping the old car hobby alive and driving on the public highways. It is the largest group of its type in North America. I serve as a Steering committee member for the Harold Le May 'America' Museum in Tacoma Wa. and am a Chief Class Judge at the Pebble Beach Concours
What car(s) do you own?
I own a variety of vehicles including a Cad powered 1950 J2 Allard, Serial No. 1736--winner of the 1st Monterey Unlimited in1950 at Pebble Beach---Mike Graham driver, Alan Moss owner
Also own a L78/L89 #'s matching 1968 Camaro, 'Fugitive' NHRA National Record setter in 1968.
1962 MGA MKII--former Canadian Road Race Class Champion (mid 1960's)
What do you like to do (e.g. vintage race with...)?
--vintage race
--vintage vehicle judging
--restoration projects of all types
--attend Laguna Seca & the Pebble Beach Concours every year
What clubs do you belong to?
--National Assocaition of Automobile Clubs of Canada Corporation
--Vintage Car Club of Canada.
--Vintage Racing Club of BC (VRC)
--Early Ford V/8 Regioanl Group 120 & National
--Classic Car Club of America & Pacific Northwest Regional Group
What would you like to do (e.g. go to race school; get into Vintage Racing)?
Attend driving schools--attend various Concours across the USA and Canada

Comment Wall:

  • Stephen Page

    Hi John
    Thank you for the time that you spent with me by phone today and for your support of our offer to function as the operating platform for NAACCC member clubs.
    I look forward to following up with Alex and Gordon as you suggested.
    My cell is 214-676-4333
    Warmest regards - Stephen Page
  • Stephen Page

    Hi John
    Thank you for joining the NAACC Group on myVRL.
    Did you get the NAACC PowerPoint?
    Was the message "on point" for your meeting?
    Warmest regards - Stephen
  • Stephen Page

    Hi John
    Please call my cell when you get this email 214-676-4333
    Many thanks - Stephen