Pete Hoekenga

67, Male

Fort Worth

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
Just a vintage club racer that loves the wonderful social scene of CVAR almost as much as the racing.
What car(s) do you own?
Lola T540, 2003 M-B E55 AMG, 2008 Audi TT roadster
What do you like to do (e.g. vintage race with...)?
My only race car is a Lola T540. The yellow Lola T212 belongs to my friend Jeff Anderson. For some reason, he's kind enough to let me drive it occasionally!
What clubs do you belong to?

Comment Wall:

  • Stephen Page

    Welcome Pete :-))
    Please add lots of pictures and invite your car mad friends to join :-))
    All the best - Stephen
  • Robert Metcalf

    Hey Pete! Guess who finally added a photo?
  • Robert Metcalf

    Didn't I do a great job of holding them off for that corner? They got around me at the next one, tho -
  • Stephen Page

    Lord Pete
    Great, great photo's - thank you for adding them.
    Scott does seem to be gaining on you however :-))
    The pictures of Jimmie Sue are priceless!!!!!!!
    Lots of love - Lord P
  • Gary Bauer

    Hi Pete, thanks. It's a Sony lipstick into a Nextar portable DVR.
  • Seth Higgins

    My buddy only towed me at wakeboarding speeds... Right about 20mph and the board started to shimmy.
    TWS was loads of fun. See you there in February!
    When are you going to join G1? :-)
  • Tony Cavanagh

    Hi Pete,
    I have recently joined and following discussions with Stephen Page he suggested contacting Lola members to seek assistance in obtaining a replacement wheel for my T440 damaged last week.

    It is a Revoultion our spoke with Lola 41/4 PCD and has 2 1/2 inch inside off set. As I don't have a spare the car now stands on three wheels !!

    The car is Chassis Number HU 440/67/51/106 and last US owner was Wayne Buttermore and raced from 1977 to 1989.

    It is now fully restored and as mentioned to Stephen I hope to visit the US with it in 2011.
  • Tony Cavanagh

    Hi Pete,

    I must have deleted my return response yesterday - sorry.

    I wanted to say thank you for comming back to me. I would be most grateful if you do take time upon you return to see if you have a spare that you are willing to sell.

    In the meantime I am atempting to register with Apexspeed to post a Wanted Ad.

    Hope we can make contact in two weeks


  • Tony Cavanagh

    Hi Pete,

    Tried sending a message last week but I fear it may not have got to you.

    From you last contact I now assume you are back home so may I impose upon you and ask if you can find the time to check if you do have a spare Revolution four spoke that you are willing to sell.
    I have not had any luck so far.

    Cheers Tony Cavanagh
  • Tony Cavanagh

    Hi Pete,

    Had trouble with your email address - had my emnail return

    Pls send one to me and I'll reply to yours with comments re wheel


  • Tony Cavanagh

    Hi Pete,

    Still cannot respond to your email - seems to block at my server.

    May I suggest sending your phone contacts to my private email - I can then discuss all with you.


  • Tony Cavanagh

    Hi Pete,

    Tony's Address for wheel - Tony Cavanagh care of Wakefield Park Motor Raceway, PO Box 151 GOULBURN, New South Wales, AUSTRALIA 2580.

    Any update on payment methods?
