Kevin Lynch

73, Male

Lakewood, Colo.

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
Hi there! I'm a San Francisco native & I've been with RMVR since 1995. I drive a 67' Mk I GT6. Was lucky enough to compete in the Denver GP 2004 & Steamboat Street races. In 2008 will be Chief Driving Instructor and am in last year of serving on the club's Board. I also own a 59' MGA coupe as well as a 67' TR4-A.
What do you like to do (e.g. vintage race with...)?
Road Car

Comment Wall:

  • Stephen Page

    Dear Kevin
    Welcome to the VRL :-))
    Great photo.
    Any interest in joining CVAR at Eagles Canyon Raceway in Dallas next weekend?
    Please give Bob Adler my best regards.
    All the best - Stephen