Bill Todd

68, Male

Profile Information:

About Me:
Hi I'm Bill a Freelance Photographer with a passion
for motorsport and in particular Historic racing machinery
What car(s) do you own?
1977 911 Porsche
1978 HJ Holden 1 tonne
What do you like to do (e.g. vintage race with...)?
I like to spend as much time as possible attending race
meetings camera in hand
What clubs do you belong to?
Phillip Island Auto Racing Club
Victorian Superkart Club
Classic Motorcycle Club
Harley Club
What would you like to do (e.g. go to race school; get into Vintage Racing)?
I would love to travel to many of the Historic racing events
around the world
5 Edgar Street

Comment Wall:

  • Stephen Page

    Hi Bill
    Great to have you on board !
    Welcome to MyVRL.
    Please personalize the appearance of your Home Page, join the Mustang, Cobra, Ford, Camaro and your other favorite car Groups, post photos (and race videos if you have them) and invite your friends to join.
    All the best - Stephen Page
    The Vintage Racing League
  • Stephen Page

    Bill - thank you.
    You have a great eye!
    Please feel free to post your photos as often as you like.
    I'll continue to feature them on our Home Page rotation.
    All the best - Stephen
    Please invite your fellow photographers to join.
  • Jeffrey Dahl

    Spectacular work!
  • kev todd

    hi bill saw your name on here and thought you my be a long lost relaition im kev todd and live in canvey island essex england just out side london take a look at my page and see if you see anything interesting i run a classic car clud and my mate dave who you will see on my web site with the blue tr7 has just bought a ac cobra last thursday the tr7/v8 is now for sale
  • kev todd

    i mate thanks four replying the story is very spockie that we could be related and if so becouse of this site i found out 2 years ago that my family came from scotland and were farmers as you would know brits have been in lots of wars in history and soldiers some times never return back from where they come from it seams my TODD side came from scotland to liverpool who iv always surported the reds football team then birmingham then after the great war wolfenstow london and then back to a farm area hadleigh essex a salvation army farm as you can see from the photo im a entertainer iv worked the arena essex racway as centre green presenter in 1999 and meet many ozzie speedway riders iv oftern thought aboult moving to oz but was put of by the oz riders who race in england marrie english girls and dont want to go back where my 3rd wife maggie has lived in brisbon and would love to return home and said if i went i would not want to come back and that worrys me being on that side of the world my american mates throuhg there hands up in horror when i said i was going in 2002 anyway glad to finaly meet a oz TODD and will tell my 82 year old dad tomorrow oz is the only place in the world he never went ruth todd married name cox was the first ever female speedway promoter in britain in tjhe 1960s so you could be related to her
    best kev n maggie
  • kev todd

    great photos of the trs espec the 7s my be you could right a bit on the photos four our tr drivers club mag i know our editor would love it have you got any photos of tr7s on the street in oz we have a guy in the club who has just moved to oz and works four swan larger and he has been doing reports on how it is getting his tr7 and his stag leagle four the oz roads ect from england take a look at our trdc web site if you can do a bit four the mag you can e mail it to our editor valerie at iv already told her aboult your photos
    thanks kev
  • kev todd

    hi bill iv had a call from the trdc editor today and is looking farward to your tr photos for the trdc mag the next mag dead line is may 2nd and would need you to send them four your permition to print them hope you are interested
  • kev todd

    thanks mate i will let val know she is very excited aboult it we are getting move n move arts from oz now i will make sure you get a copy of the mag she mite hold it over to the aug mag to give you planty of space and give you max photo cover
    thanks 4 your help and keeping our triumph mag a head of the rest
  • kev todd

    i mate the trdc chairman is now on here he is the vintage austin 10 car on my page and please reg as a tr drivers member on here i started it last saturday
  • kev todd

    thanks mate shame you are so far away everybody is realy interested in what you do love the new 50 photos