Terry Dunne


Profile Information:

About Me:
I am SCCA Pit Marshall, and just love the life. I am a retired special education Principal from Long Island, who enjoys the tall children here as much as the shorter ones of my working days. Nothing makes me feel more alive than being a part of a safe race day....just GREAT!

Come out and see what I mean....contact me, and join the NY Region SCCA for the thrill of a lifetime, as I am the Region Membership Chair, and would love to introduce you to Lime Rock Park....America's most beautiful Race Park, and... Fastest Road Course in North America! This is where YOU will fall in love with racing too!

If have captured your interest in joining the NY Region SCCA, stay in touch with me, as I am also the NY Region Activities Chair, and we are active all year around, from Target Shooting, Trout Fishing, Olympic Ski Jimping Festivals, River Rafting, High Speed Karting, and other adventures during the "off track" seasons! Call me for more info on joining the SCCA and visiting Lime Rock Park.......and staying at.....

"The Meadow House"! My little 1850 Farmhouse that is just 10 seconds away from the Main Gate at Lime Rock Park! Comfortable Queen Bedrooms or the "Bunkhouse" share.... Oversized White Wicker Loveseats and Arm Chairs around the Nightly Firepot, English Garden, Full use of the Entire House, NO Early Check-Out Times, Invite Friends Over...because when you stay at "The Meadow House", you will feel already at Home. 860-248-1799
What car(s) do you own?
1974 Jensen Healey
1980 TR7
1988 37 foot Coachman "Royal" Motor Home.
What do you like to do (e.g. vintage race with...)?
Pit / Grid Marshal SCCA events, and the Pro Races.

Keeping the Vintage Spirit alive as I serve on the Board of "The Vanderbilt Cup Centennial Race and Concourse de Elegance" on Long Island, New York, each Year.
What clubs do you belong to?
New York Region SCCA
Long Island Triumph
Eastern New York MG Association
Madison Avenue Sports Car Driving and Chowder Society
What would you like to do (e.g. go to race school; get into Vintage Racing)?
My 3 passions are:

Hosting Fund Raising events for Paul Newman's "The H*** in the Wall Gang Camps" for seriously ill children, in the name of The SCCA (Paul was awarded N.E. Division, SCCA 2008 "Driver of the Year" and was inducted into the National SCCA "Hall of Fame" 2009)

SCCA Marshal Pit/Paddock and Grid mostly at Lime Rock Park

Hosting at-home dinner parties for retired, vintage pro/am race car drivers and listening to their stories of a by-gone era from the true "greats" of auto racing.
67 White Hollow Road

Comment Wall:

  • Stephen Page

    Hi Terry
    Great to have you on board :-))
    Welcome to MyVRL.
    Please personalize the appearance of your Home Page, join the Jensen, Triumph, MG and your other favorite car Groups, post photos (and race videos if you have them) and invite your SCCA and MG friends to join.
    I look forward to meeting you.
    All the best - Stephen
    The Vintage Racing League
  • Stephen Page

    Terry - I love your passion.
    Please use this site to share it with others :-))
    Warmest regards - Stephen
  • Stephen Page

    Thank you so much for inviting your friends to join :-))
    Warmest regards - Stephen
  • Robert E. Richer

    Well, it's coming up to 10 AM in Europe, and 9 AM in the UK, and as an international media broker, I pretty much work on their timetable, not mine.
  • Robert E. Richer

    He and I had several long conversations yesterday.
  • Peter Wild

    Terry, Thank you for the invitation. My wife & I would certainly like to come up to Lime Rock & stay with you to watch during a race weekend. You also mentioned Target shooting ?? Charles and I do that at the range near Waterbury - rifle & pistol. I am going to try and get to the lunch on Tuesday - hope to see you there!! Peter
  • David Stern

    Terry-whenever I get a minute-I'll post a pix-after I replace the transmission, rebuild the generator and finish with our friend JCF-also review the printer's proof of the next kid's book-market OMR and...did I forget anything??
  • Hans Ruf

    Hallo Terry-Thank you for the invitation. The track looks really wonderful. Maybe I come once, however, without car. The last time he was kept back by the customs for three months, until he was back in Switzerland! Best regards Hans
  • David Brill

    Thank you Terry! Sounds rather appealing.. Much comfier than the air mattress in the back of my Land Cruiser. I'll be up there this weekend for the launch/luncheon of the righthanders club. I may stop by and say hi and check out the Bunkhouse out the Meadow House.

    Talk soon,