Casey Annis


Profile Information:

About Me:
Publisher/Editor of Vintage Racecar magazine, Alfa Owner magazine and Australia's Oily Rag magazine. Active historic racer and restorer.
What car(s) do you own?
1962 Alfa Romeo Giulia Spider Veloce
1962 Triumph Spitfire racecar
What do you like to do (e.g. vintage race with...)?
vintage racing, restoration, writing
What clubs do you belong to?
5212 Katella Ave., Suite 206

Comment Wall:

  • Stephen Page

    Hi Casey
    Great to have you on board :-))
    Welcome to MyVRL.
    Please personalize the appearance of your Home Page, join the Alfa Romeo, Triumph and your other favorite car Groups, post photos (and race videos if you have them) and invite your HMSA, CSRG and AROC friends to join.
    I look forward to meeting you.
    All the best - Stephen
    The Vintage Racing League
  • Stephen Page

    BTW - I love your magazine.
    How large is your subscription base now?
    All the best - Stephen
  • Stephen Page

    Hi Casey
    I just invited you to join the Vintage Racecar Magazine Group on MyVRL.
    Coincidently, we built the Group some time ago.
    Thank you for your earlier email.
    We'd love to be featured in your March issue :-))
  • Stephen Page

    Hi Casey
    I just missed you in your office.
    Please call my cell when you get a moment - 214-676-4333.
    All the best - Stephen
  • PAI Racing

    I think we met at Long Beach GP a couple of years ago. I see your truck at Bolsa Chica state beach all the time and come to think of it, I think I saw you there Sunday afternoon, but I wasn't sure it was you so I didn't say "hi". Great looking magazine, by the way!
  • PAI Racing

    Casey, sorry about that. It's Sean Kanaley. We only met briefly and to be honest, I was pretty fuzzy on your name until I saw it posted. As I recall, you know my buddy Doug Schreier (I think that's who I met you with).


  • Marc Nichols

    Thanks Casey, yes, I have joined some time ago. Health continues well. I was down your way in the fall for a week fighting the fires there. Tragic!

    Hoppe all is good withy you. Your mag just gets better all the time,,,truely a fine result. Hope to see you sometime this year.
  • Mark Scheuern

    Hi, Casey! Good to see you and looking forward to shooting for VRJ again this year.
  • James Williams

    Hi Casey!
    Yep, joined the group.
    Missed the HMSA race at Laguna yesterday.
    I think Dennis went, though.

  • Terry Dunne

    Hi Casey...I will look forward to the answers you get about the HANS device. My guess is that the vintage driver is going to want to stay unincumbered, and NOT want the device. As SCCA Pit Marshall, I lean on the safety side. I will enjoy reading the discussions on this issue. Thanks for making this a popular topic. PS: See you at Lime Rock, Ct. anytime?
  • Patrick Quinn

    I suspect that we both have nothing better to do than to look The Vintage Racing League website.

    Hoo Roo
