John P. Baldo

66, Male

Cary, IL

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
I love all cars. I used to work for MECUM auctions. I left them last year. Now IM doing my other love. IM transporting cars. I have a nice new truck and trailer for two. I love the drive and seeing all over the USA. IM still going to be racing this year.
What car(s) do you own?
To many to list.
What do you like to do (e.g. vintage race with...)?
Road racing is the main sport. All summer long
What clubs do you belong to?
Chicago Corvette Club
356 New Haven

Comment Wall:

  • Stephen Page

    Hi John
    Welcome to MyVRL.
    Please join the Corvette and your other car Groups, post photos (and race videos if you have them) and invite your Corvette and Auction Business friends to join.
    All the best - Stephen
    The Vintage Racing League
  • Stephen Page

    Hi John
    Thank you for your special help and support :-))
  • Brenda S. Teixeira

    Hi John,

    Thanks for the welcome and your photos they are really nice. I love the car hauler, I could have used that a couple of years ago. You said that you like to race, where do you race and have you ever been down south racing?

    I just got through with the NRCS show in Orlando, that show is always alot of fun, seeing old friends.

    I'm new at bloging so I hope you get this.

  • Brenda S. Teixeira

    If your running for points this year, then you need to check out the NCCC South Website, that list all the events going on in Fla, Ga and the Southeast.
    We usually do at least 4 to 5 events in a day, usually everyone gets two runs, we've been doing this because of the lack of places to run and gas. The Carolinas usually have some good events, plus you get travel points that can add up fast. You will be traveling in style with your hauler...

    Going to Vegas is fun, I haven't been there since 04, when we NCCC convention there, a group of us were there for two weeks, we did convention then alot of sight seeing, I had never been west of Texas. The Grand Canyon
    was wonderful, I often think about the people who first saw it and how they felt.
  • Brenda S. Teixeira

    I just did a low speed autocross in November, it had been a long time and I was rusty to say the least and the car I was driving wa my 05 automatic, and I really didn't like it, the tires just didn't give and I just couldn't feel the car. I had always raced either a 4 speed or 6 speed and the car was set up. It was a blast and I'll do it again in a heart beat, but those run flats are not giving.