the worldwide marketplace for the finest sports-and racingcars

Profile Information:

About Me: is the worldwide marketplace for premier historic collector cars. With the partnership of the most renown dealerships, auction-companies and event-specialists around the world we are the global market for big boys toys.
What car(s) do you own?
Over 2500 of the finest historic sports-and racingcars always on offer !

Comment Wall:

  • Stephen Page

    Hi Kay
    Great to have you on board :-))
    Welcome to MyVRL.
    Please personalize the appearance of your Home Page, join the Porsche, BMW, Mercedes, Audi, Aston Martin, Ferrari and your other favorite car Groups, post photos (and race videos if you have them) and invite your friends to join.
    I look forward to meeting you.
    All the best - Stephen
    The Vintage Racing League
  • Stephen Page

    Hi Kay
    Thank you for your enthusiasm and shared passion.
    I feel very blessed to have found you :-))
    Warmest regards - Stephen

    the car shown is a running prototype . i have done the car primarily for my own sake but am interested in producing more cars and finding suitable worldwide dealers , i'm allready looking at several enquiries for cars with various engines / body variations - a spec series makes the most sense to me but obviously depends on finding a suitably enthused backer - also very keen to apply the same technology used to create the f1-67 to produce other racecars from earlier eras - who knows where things might lead ! thanks for your interest -
  • Stephen Page

    I knew there be beautiful women somewhere ........................:-))
    Good morning Kay
    I can and will create a Racing Deal Group for you. if you'd like me to do it.
    However, it's best if you create the Group.
    As the Group creator, only you can edit the main content in the about section.
    Warmest regards - Stephen
  • Stephen Page

    Hi Kay
    I love the inroduction text - it's perfect!!
    Thank you - Stephen
  • Stephen Page

    ooooooops - "Introduction text".....................