Mike Hayworth

Monterey, California

Profile Information:

About Me:
Live in Monterey California near Laguna Seca. We have a 59 MGA that is being refurbished in hopes of racing in 08.
What do you like to do (e.g. vintage race with...)?
Production Racer

Comment Wall:

  • Tom Seemeyer II

    We need pictures, Mike.
  • Scott Brown

    Mr. Hayworth - do you have any photos your could post of your MGA racer?
  • Scott Brown

    Dag-gum! Happy New Year bu-udy!
  • Scott Brown

    Hey Mike.. do you have the famous MGA ready to rip? As Tom says... post photos of the car....
  • Scott Brown

    Its always great to see build photos... common buddy... bring it!