Joe Heitzler


Rolling Hills, California

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
The Vintage Racing League is a community for people that love vintage cars.
You can connect with people that share a love of specific marquees or types of cars (e.g. open wheel formula cars or Shadows).
The website helps you find difficult to locate parts, restoration resources and race events in your area.
You can exchange pictures and race videos and find car "soulmates".
I look forward to seeing some of your vintage race video's.
FYI - I'm the co-founder of The Vintage Racing League.
An estimated 4 million people in the USA own Vintage cars (10 million world-wide).
We have 78 million Baby Boomers in the US. Every day, 50,000 retire.
There are 27 Vintage Race Clubs in the US that stage approx. 170 events per year.
Today, approximately 30,000 members of the 27 Clubs race Vintage cars.
We want to get more people into Vintage racing and a primary purpose of this site is dedicated to that goal.
Even if people do not race, they are welcome to attend the events.

I wanted to create a place where owners and lovers of vintage cars could find each other, exchange pictures, videos and information about how to restore, race and fix cars.
Please ask your friends to join the Vintage Racing League ( ), create groups and post pictures for us all to share.
Welcome to the Vintage Racing League.
Warmest regards - Joe Heitzler
What car(s) do you own?
None at this time
What do you like to do (e.g. vintage race with...)?
Attend Vintage events and witness the dedication and love of the past demonstrated thru the racing automobile
What clubs do you belong to?
Vintage Racing League
What would you like to do (e.g. go to race school; get into Vintage Racing)?
Attend Vintage events

Comment Wall:

  • Stephen Page

    Hi Joe
    Please use the new Chat feature that Travis has created.
    This is a world class feature that MySpace and Facebook do not have!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Way to go Travis :-))))))))
  • Stephen Page

    Take a look at the Classic Rallies Group RSS feed on MyVRL
  • Stephen Page

    You're up early :-))
  • Stephen Page

    Very good meeting with GT yesterday :-)))))
  • In Kim

    I also took some of cash from my wife's wallet too.
    her wallet is ticker than mine.
    See you soon. I am ready for the battle....
  • Graydon Orr

    Im on, lets chat, I like it, what's the 50 000 view?