Stephen Page

42, Male


United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
I am the web designer for TheVRL and over the last 14 years consulted for many large fortune 500 companies. MyVRL is by far the best and most complex site I have ever developed.
What car(s) do you own?
What do you like to do (e.g. vintage race with...)?
race car, build websites
What would you like to do (e.g. go to race school; get into Vintage Racing)?
Historic Cars Owned

Comment Wall:

  • Stephen Page

    Travis - this is the most awesome website I've ever seen :-))
    Congratulations on a wonderful job!
    All the best - LP
  • Linda Cooper

    Love your Collective Soul! Now add some 9 Inch Nails :=))
  • Doug Murray

    Let me know if you need anything else.
  • Kim Hall

    I got your request to add to this site....hope I did it right! I'm assuming it's similar to my myspace.....let me know! Kim
  • Stephen Page

    Dear Travis
    Happy Thanksgiving.
    I hope that you have a great time with your family :-)).
    All the best - Stephen
    Check out Tony Drews video (our newest member)
  • Stephen Page

    Dear Travis
    66 and counting...........................
    I've put 100+ vendors profiles on the VRL Store section.
    When do you think you will finish the new VRL Store front?
    When you put that up, I'll start sending invitations to all the clubs and marque groups.
    You are the best !
    Thank you again for your brilliant help :-))
    All the best - Stephen
  • Stephen Page

    Dear Travis
    Way to go :-))
    All the best - Stephen
  • Stephen Page

    Dear Travis
    266 and counting :-))
    I'll take you and Sarah on holiday to London when we get to 100,000!
    All the best - Stephen
  • Stephen Page

    Dear Travis
    It looks great :-))
    Thank you again for your wonderful inovation and creativity.
    Have a great weekend with S.
    Enjoy the new iPod!!
    Warmest regards - Stephen
  • Stephen Page

    Could we insert the Ferrari picture (from our home page) into all the blank pictures on the member profiles?
    Thanks - Stephen
  • Stephen Page

    Dear Travis
    The logo picture for the new members came through very fuzzy.
    Please swap it out for the Ferrari or Maserati picture.
    I love the other changes you've made!!!!!!!!
    ATB - S
  • Stephen Page

    Dear Travis
    Please take out the Member count and "re-focus" the Platinum Partner logo ads.
    Many thanks - S
  • Stephen Page

    Travis - please change the main tagline:
    "The world's largest online community for people that love vintage cars"
    Thanks - S
  • Joseph Matheny

    Nice! I almost feel as if I was there. LOL
  • Stephen Page

    Great job on the Groups list - thank you.
    I just created a new Group for Octane magazine.
    The logo is mis-sized for all new Groups.
    Can you fix this?
    Many thanks - Stephen
  • Stephen Page

    Hi Travis
    Something weird is happening when I log into myvrl.
    The home page is not formatting properly.
    Eg, the menu bar lists down the left side of the page and all the framing for the different sections is missing.
    What causes this?
    All the best - Stephen
  • Stephen Page

    Dearest Travis
    You are the very best !!!!!!!!
    Joe and I spent some time by phone today mapping out our funding strategy.
    We will be travelling extensively the week of July 21st meeting our primary investor prospects.
    I cannot wait to see your new "Easter Eggs".
    Please give Sarah my love.
    I'll buy you both dinner if your travels take you to Dallas :-))
    All the best - Stephen
  • Stephen Page

    Hi Travis
    I've had 6+ friends tell me that email that they send to me at bounces back to them.
    Could this be a problem with Ning or Go Daddy?
    All the best - Stephen
  • Stephen Page

    Morning T
    Problems with Chat?
    Warmest regards - LP