Stan Heath

Profile Information:

About Me:
My son and I race a pair of vintage MGs. I have a 1959 MGA and Stirling races a 1971 MGB-GT.
What do you like to do (e.g. vintage race with...)?
Production Racer

Comment Wall:

  • Tom Seemeyer II

    Hey, Stan...nice to have another Father/Son team. Love to see some pics of your "A".
  • Tom Seemeyer II

    We made a few trips to the midwest in '06. We were planning on Sebring for the MGVR event, leave the rig in Atlanta until the Mitty but life kinda got in the way. We're going to stick close to home in '08 and try to build up this AZ SCCA Vintage run group and hopefully make some big races in '09.
  • R.T. Whitfield

    Stan, I do not get to talk to you often.
    We need to get together soon.
    Tell me about the MGB/GT I no nothing about it.
  • J. Roger Beasley

    Nice MGs. Looks like some pics taken at Roebling Road where my wife, son and I have raced numerous times when we lived in Florida. We also belonged to VDCA and raced with the Central Florida SCCA vintage class which included Mike Jackson and other VDCA people. Where do you live?
  • J. Roger Beasley

    Stan, did you finish the FV and race it? We mainly ran with the Central Florida SCCA vintage group. Due to a limited number of cars, the region made all the vintage cars run in the same group. Many times we were running with Corvettes, Mustangs and Camaros. After my wife got punted off the track by a Corvette, we sold the Vees. I never got really comfortable with the open wheels so decided to go with a tintop and found my Volvo while we were still in Florida. It has taken me about 3 1/2 years to complete it and there is still a lot of development work to do with it. Terry's (my wife) old Zink was sold to a CVAR member and is doing well with this group. Terry is wanting to get another Zink since the Vees race in their own group here in Texas.
    Best regards.
  • George DeLong

    HI STAN: Just saw your message after returning from a "road assignment" (my last)! Are you familiar with ? It has been a great learning site for me, and I have a brief resume' of my MGA vintage racer on my profile there. Just go to the site and look under registry and then my member ID of .

    I bought the car, and then had to deal with some serious health issues that really delayed my getting it on track. Fortunately I seem to have won that battle, it was an advanced prostate cancer (get that PSA done!!!), rather than something that would have left me at a higher than normal risk for a competition medical release!

    I cannot tell exactly, but am guessing from what I can see that you live in Florida and run a lot with VDCA. I hope to run some with SVRA, and also with VSCCA and VDCA. We have attended quite a few vintage events, and these organizations seem to reflect the philosophy and level that I want to participate at.

    I appreciate your comments and invitation regarding VDCA! We know some of the regulars who run there, and have been to a couple of events as spectators. We had a great time! I am corresponding with Mike Jackson, and hope to run with VDCA at VIR in a few weeks. Will you be at that one?

  • George DeLong

    HELLO AGAIN STAN: The site I wanted to refer you to is []... Don't know why, but it did not make it into my message the first time...
