Vintage Racing Today

    Vintage Racing Today is a labor of love.  Zapata Racing has been vintage racing for over 30 years and have seen it go through many changes.  They invited me to my first race in 2009, and I immediately started asking why more people didn’t know about this.  Vintage racing needs to be experienced.  It invades and overwhelms all of your senses, is so visually stunning, and is so different from what the average person thinks of racing today.  
    I convinced the Zapata guys that we should pull together some resources and I would try my best to make a “lifestyle” film capturing the spirit of vintage racing.  This project is part-documentary and part-promotional movie with the intent circling around getting people involved in this great hobby.  We explain through interviews how fun and easy it is, and how almost anyone can get involved in all sorts of ways..from spectator, mechanic, crew, driver, or track volunteer.
    This is a humble homespun movie made in my basement.  No love stories, no twists, no sub-plots, just great racing. This movie is full of some of the best racing footage you will ever see.  

Ben Cissell
Director of “Vintage Racing Today”