CSRG 6th Annual Charity Challenge, Infineon Raceway

Event Details

CSRG 6th Annual Charity Challenge, Infineon Raceway

Time: September 25, 2009 at 6am to September 27, 2009 at 6pm
Location: Infineon Raceway, Sonoma, Calif
City/Town: Sonoma, Calif
Website or Map: http://www.csrgracing.org
Phone: 925-736-2823
Event Type: Vintage, Racing, Event
Organized By: CSRG
Latest Activity: Oct 10, 2011

Event Description

September 25-27 CSRG 6th Annual Charity Challenge, Infineon Raceway, Sonoma, Calif.

CSRG represents an attitude that has a lot to do with the appreciation, preservation, and use of vintage cars and relatively little to do with conventional racing, which defines the car as a tool with which to win at all costs.
Our racing also provides a margin that stresses the irreplaceable nature of a piece of racing history as taking precedence over any individual’s need to win.

CSRG does not and will not discourage competition, provided it is done with safety and respect for one’s fellow drivers. Cooperation between the fast and the not-so-fast is mandatory and in keeping with the concept of maximizing enjoyment for all.

Vintage racing, as defined by CSRG, is very different from other forms of racing in that it is based upon participation, not victory. The veteran respects the novice’s right to the track, and the novice respects the veteran’s right to motor to the extent of his or her ability and good judgement. Formal licensing is replaced by mutual respect for each other’s rights.

The participant whose only purpose is winning has no place in the CSRG structure.

CSRG, P. O. Box 825, Danville, CA 94526, USA
tel/fax 925-736-2823 - info@CSRGracing.org

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